Air Max

Product Description

Combining the benefits from both powered and non-powered anti-decubitus mattress systems, Air Max provides highly effective and reliable pressure relief while remaining quiet, comfortable, and safe. With specially designed air cells and foam, Air Max automatically creates a dynamic surface that is custom adjusted for every patient, and will readjust and reinflate to offer optimal pressure reduction when patient moved or repositioned.


  • The unique air control and release valve allows the mattress to slowly and evenly distribute patient's weight, and avoid patient disorientation and discomfort
  • The mattress is also equipped with heel protection air cells that delivers continuous pressure relief, and prevent heel pressure ulcer
  • Air Max does not require power consumption and can be used even in cases of power outage, and patient transfer
  • No extra costs associated with the use of powered systems
  • It is an ideal anti-decubitus mattress that provides excellent pressure relief along with maximum patient comfort
  • Can be used with standard hospital bed frames
  • Coverlet is waterproof but vapor permeable, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal coated and low shear forces to prevent patient skin damage
  • Optional air pump if requested
  • Mattress Cell - 100% nylon with TPU lamination
  • Coverlet - 100% nylon with PU backing


Mattress - 200 x 90 x 22.2 cm (H-head area) / 14.5 cm (H-foot area)